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Salads and sorbets:a fresh and balanced summer meal

The beautiful days arrive (finally!), life then takes another turn. In addition to a sudden euphoria with the appearance of new rays of sunshine, our whole way of life must adapt to the new temperatures and the new surrounding atmosphere. It's time to take out the summer wardrobe and prepare the terrace for meals in the open air.

Our food itself is changing, we crave freshness and lightness. But it is sometimes difficult to change a whole diet by continuing to eat a balanced diet, and without falling into meals that are too monotonous and repetitive. Fortunately, summer brings with it a whole assortment of diverse and varied fruits and vegetables. The secret ingredient? Imagination. Just let your desires do the talking to create new, varied and balanced blends.

A summer meal

Salads and sorbets:a fresh and balanced summer meal

When the heat comes, it happens that we do not know what to eat... We are hot, we feel heavy, sometimes even the simple fact of cooking seems to us an activity far too exhausting. When we get to this point, it's time to remember that summer is salad season! Fresh, light, easy to prepare and full of vitamins, they give us energy and vitality without draining our energy with too difficult digestion. No more excuses not to go back to the kitchen and prepare good meals to enjoy in a friendly atmosphere. By cooking smart, you can save a lot of effort! Why bother to prepare 10 different dishes when a complete salad can be enough to feed your man.

A complete meal should include:

  • Vegetables, no worries, vegetables being the very basis of a salad,
  • Proteins:boiled eggs, chicken, ham, tuna, surimi… the choice is wide!
  • A dairy product:a few cubes of cheese are always a real pleasure in a salad, the touch of gluttony,
  • Fat:no salad without dressing.

Mix it all up, and your salad can be a complete meal on its own!

You can of course create your own mixtures. Sometimes surprising mixtures can give delicious salads! Like for example the chickpea salad with mint, the broad bean salad with chorizo, or the orange salad with radishes.

Remember to vary the oils used for your salads. We often praise the merits of olive oil, rightly since it is a real mine of oleic acids, but it does not contain all the fatty acids necessary for the right balance. Each oil has its own qualities. Rapeseed oil is very useful due to its richness in alpha-linoleic acids which considerably reduce heart risks. Walnut oil is very rich in vitamin A and helps reduce anemia. It is therefore best to alternate the oils while varying the pleasures.

End of meal pleasure

You can then finish your meal on a final note of freshness by allowing yourself the pleasure of an ice cream or a sorbet. The sorbet is made with fruit, sugar and water, while the ice cream has a little extra cream and milk.

Contrary to popular belief, the number of calories is not that different (about thirty more on average for ice cream). Both fresh and creamy, ice cream is generally a real moment of pleasure. The sorbet has the advantage of being light and well hydrated, all in addition to a very fruity flavor. In addition, it is very easy to make your own sorbets yourself. Nothing like homemade strawberry sorbet!