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Successful barbecue cooking, an art

No sooner do the first rays of sunshine brighten the surface of your terrace than a familiar smell begins to permeate the surroundings. A particular smell, synonymous with holidays, an appetizing, intoxicating smell, a smell that we have missed all winter. Yes, accompanied by its hammock and pool sidekicks, the barbecue is back for a new summer season in good and due form. The barbecue is an opportunity to enjoy your garden and have a meal in a friendly atmosphere.

Successful barbecue cooking, an art

But that's not all, much more than the simple emblem of summer and idleness, the barbecue is also THE demonstration of Monsieur's culinary talents. Today, it is he who takes control of the family meal, thus proudly dismantling Madame's argument built up throughout the winter, and according to which "without her, they could well starve". (We will of course not specify at this point in the story that it was Madame who went to choose the meat, bought it, prepared it, and brought it to Monsieur at the barbecue!).

But back on topic. Sir, therefore, undoubtedly masters the art of barbecue:meat, fish, vegetables... nothing scares him. "What a man !" you will tell me. And you are right, if the barbecue remains, in principle, within everyone's reach, only a privileged few, the "chosen ones" one could say, know the best kept secrets of a barbecue that is both tasty and healthy.

But the confidentiality of this information was without counting on the bravery of our team, always ready to do anything to give the best to its readers. So here we are on an observation mission, meticulously studying Monsieur in his activity.

Preparing the barbecue

The results of the survey showed here some differences according to the subjects studied.

Some, DIYers through and through, choose to build their own barbecue. The gentleman then tackles a can , and cut it in half. He also equips himself with a fold-out stool and removes the canvas. The canister is then deftly wedged onto the frame of the stool, then securely fastened with screws. Some even decide to add two wheels and a handle to make it easier to move.

Observation: The family of Mr. seems delighted both by the fragrant flavor of the grilled meats served, and by this burst of ingenuity allowing them to move the barbecue according to the direction of the wind. Not to mention that it allowed them to recycle old objects that would have ended up in the landfill.

Others seem to opt for a charcoal barbecue instead. already made. Monsieur may not be making his barbecue, but he still gets down to the heavy task of fetching kindling, and cutting it in advance so that the embers do not go out along the way. . Important note:Mr. Be careful never to use crates, these having been used to transport fruits and vegetables often covered with pesticides, and which can poison the meat.

Observation : Again, the family of Monsieur seems to taste and savor the dishes served.

Only downside:the grimaces that appear on the faces of the youngest when the wind decides to get involved, inviting smoke to the family meal.

Finally, the last study group chose to equip themselves with an electric barbecue . No manipulation to specify, except for the connection of the socket, which must all the same be taken in the right direction (3% of subjects having made the error).

Observation : Monsieur's family seems disappointed, the taste of the grilled meats has nothing to do with the one left in their memory. This new accessory seems to disturb the balance of the family. The youngest wonders, perplexed "why is the barbecue inside?", while the eldest refuses to eat, attesting that such an object uses too much energy unnecessarily, and that Madame apprehends the electricity bill.

Final conclusion : three levels of effort for three levels of satisfaction (isn't this reminiscent of the moral of a famous story featuring three young pigs? You be the judge). That being said, everyone will choose the method that suits them best.

Important Note : It should be noted that all the subjects took care never to leave the barbecue unattended, and established a security perimeter within which access was forbidden to children.


Knowing his subject like the back of his hand, Monsieur knows perfectly well that each type of food is associated with a type of cooking. Nevertheless, some rules are common to all:

  • The barbecue should be prepared about 1 hour in advance so that only embers remain. Food should never be cooked over an open flame because on the one hand it will char it completely, and on the other hand you risk poisoning your family.
  • Whatever the food, and for the same reasons, the grill must be placed at least 10cm from the embers.

Red meat

The study here has proven that quick, quick cooking is satisfactory for all lovers of rare meat. But be careful again, do not cook too quickly, nor too close to the embers (never forget the risks of toxicity). A slightly slower cooking will suit anyone who prefers their meat well done.

Note:Combined with a homemade Béarnaise sauce, these grilled meats delighted the taste buds of the whole family.

White meat

The observation is clear here:white meats must be placed on the grills well in advance, for slow and even cooking.

Some (impatient?) subjects nevertheless attempted quick cooking. A phenomenon in several stages then occurred:a beaming face on Madame's face at the sight of the well-grilled meat, until it bit into a piece of meat charred on top, and raw and cold inside.

The result:meat urgently spat out and thrown away, and a meal ruined by an argument that could have been avoided.

Note:among the study subjects, one family seemed particularly satisfied to be able to accommodate their meat with the mayonnaise prepared by Madame.


Fish follow the same cooking rules as white meat:slow, diffuse cooking. The most knowledgeable subjects made the decision to cook the whole fish, and not to scale it in order to respect the fragility of the flesh by protecting it from the aggression of the heat. Some subjects then faced an obstacle:the fish had already been scaled by the fishmonger, which is not without grumbling Mr. Fortunately, Madame (the ear always on the lookout), comes to the rescue with her aluminum roll and makes a foil ensuring the protection promised to the fish, and takes the opportunity to ask how long the fish will be ready. . The cooking time remains proportional to the size of the fish, and can range from 8 minutes for the little ones, up to 30 minutes for the older ones.

Note:by accompanying their fish with complete salads such as a sweet and savory wheat salad, families were able to benefit from a balanced meal.


Gentlemen generally think less about it, however, at Madame's request, some seek (and find!) the solution. Drawing on their experience with fish, they then decided to wrap the vegetables in a foil, which they placed directly in the embers once it was no longer too hot. Vegetables can cook at their own pace. Note that some vegetables that take quite a long time to cook (such as potatoes), Madame has generally decided to pre-steam them, in order to save time.

Here ends our mission in the heart of the gardens of France. You are now on an equal footing with the greatest barbecue experts across the country. Gentlemen will be able to surprise ladies with their newly acquired talent, while ladies will be able to smile, knowing where their man is getting this sudden knowledge proudly brandished.