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55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don't miss #42!

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Do you like barbecues? Me too, I love !

So get out the tongs and the coal, we're going to have a blast!

The problem is that it's not always easy to manage a barbecue...

Between ignition, preparation and cooking, you can never be sure of anything.

Fortunately, to make your life easier, we have selected for you 55 tips for success your barbecues every time!

Thanks to these simple tips, you will become the king of the BBQ in no time. Watch:

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

1. Season your meats before cooking

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Mix equal parts salt, pepper, garlic powder and grilled onion. Then, sprinkle this mixture on the food 1 hour before cooking. This will make your meat much tastier.

2. Save some marinade for the grill

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Most people marinate their meat overnight or for at least 2 hours. Once the meat is marinated, do not throw the mixture away. Save some marinade to moisten the meat while cooking on the grill. To do this, pour the juice little by little over the meat with a large spoon.

3. Make a beer marinade

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Try marinating your meat in beer. This enhances the flavor of the meat. Here is an excellent recipe for a beer and garlic marinade. For this, take a 33 cl bottle of dark beer, 75 ml of olive oil and 6 minced garlic cloves and aromatic herbs. Marinate your meat for at least 3 hours in this mixture, the best is to leave it overnight.

4. Use this trick before cutting the meat

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Want the juiciest cuts of meat possible? Then use this trick! After cooking, let the meat rest for about 10 minutes before cutting it. Why ? Because the juices of the meat gravitate towards the center of the piece and stay there until you cut the piece.

5. Cook your meat evenly with charcoal briquettes

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Replace charcoal chunks with briquettes for more even cooking. It makes life so much easier! As they burn evenly, they give off a much more even heat to cook the meat evenly.

6. Let the coal embers

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

When it comes to eating great grilled food, some of us have a hard time waiting, right? But waiting for the embers to be ready is the best way to have well-sealed meat. Make sure the charcoal turns gray and shines a bit before you start cooking.

7. Be well equipped

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

To make good grills, you need good tools. Most pros use 2 sets of tongs:one for the meat and the other for moving the coals. You can also use 2 spatulas, one for raw meat and the other for cooked meat. Don't hesitate to get this complete kit for the perfect little grillardin.

8. Choose a nice piece of meat

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

To make the BBQ, no need to make minced and flavored meatballs, it would be such a shame! Prefer a good piece of beef, pork, lamb or poultry and season it if necessary.

9. Add wood to smoke the meat

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Want to add a smoky flavor to your meat? Add a few small pieces of wood in addition to the charcoal, once the fire is less virulent. Beech wood is the most classic for smoking food, but you can also use oak, olive, apple or even vine shoots.

10. Use lump charcoal

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Although briquettes cook food more evenly and consistently, they may contain additives and chemicals. Using charcoal is much more natural. It also gives your food an authentic smoky BBQ flavor.

11. Use an onion to clean the grill

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Using a wire brush leaves dangerous metal particles on your food. Instead, use an onion to clean the BBQ grill. Cut it in half and place it face down on the grill. Stick a fork in it and pass it over the whole grill. Check out the trick here.

To discover: 14 Simple and Effective Tips for Cleaning the Barbecue Grill.

12. Remove the meat at the right time

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Remove the meat from the grill a minute or two before it's done. The heat remains trapped inside and continues to cook it. No more risk of it being overcooked!

13. Only turn the meat once

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

No need to turn the meat 50 times during cooking! Once is enough! Why ? Because turning it several times makes it lose its juice. Cook one side completely, then flip the meat over to the other side.

14. Prefer charcoal barbecues

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Gas barbecues are perhaps more practical. However, if you want an authentic taste, opt for a charcoal barbecue. It gives your food the classic flavor of real barbecue.

15. Use frozen bouillon cubes

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Make ice cubes from beef broth and place them on the piece of meat when grilling it. This is the best trick so that the meat does not dry out and remains tender. You can also use simple water or herbal butter ice cubes.

16. The trick to making beautiful grill marks

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Make your meat look great with perfect grill marks. For this, imagine a clock and place your meat so that the end points to 10 o'clock and put the meat on the grill. Then, turn it so that the same end points to 2 hours and cook. You get perfect, even marks on your meat, and that's class to impress your friends!

17. Use two skewers instead of one

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

By using only one skewer, the food may turn during cooking. Whereas if you put two, the pieces stay in place and can cook evenly.

18. Take the meat out of the fridge 20 min before

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Want a perfectly cooked steak? Remember to take it out of the fridge about 20 minutes before you start grilling it. Why ? Because a steak at room temperature will cook better than if it is cold.

19. Use a muffin tin to put the condiments

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Having a pile of small glass jars on the table takes up a lot of space and it quickly becomes a big mess when everyone wants to help themselves. Instead, place your sauces in a muffin pan where each will find its place. Practical, right? Check out the trick here.

20. Grill your vegetables

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Here is a great tip to have well grilled and tasty vegetables. Throw them directly on the hot charcoal or on the wood and let the skin blacken. This enhances the true flavor of the vegetables. You can remove the black part to avoid eating it.

21. The trick to check the gas level

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

If you have a gas barbecue, you can check the gas level by pouring a cup of boiling water over the side of the bottle. The top of the bottle will be warm and the bottom will stay colder. The gas level is where hot and cold meet.

22. Put mayo in the ground meat

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Do you want your minced meat not to dry out and remain very tender during cooking? So, mix a spoonful of mayonnaise with raw meat. Then form a patty. It will be succulent when well grilled.

23. Prevent pork meat from drying out

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Fill a spray bottle with apple or pineapple juice. Then, spray the juice on the pieces of pork and why not other meats. This is the best trick so that the pork does not dry out and remains tender. In addition, it gives it a nice touch of sweetness. You can also put cider for those who like.

24. The trick to manage the cooking of the meat of the guests

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Nothing worse than a large table where everyone orders meat with a different cooking. Between those who want "well done" and the others "rare", you can quickly feel overwhelmed. Do not panic, write the cooking with ketchup or mustard on the hamburger bun. So you know how many steaks should be "rare", "medium" or "well done". You can just write the initials to go faster too.

25. Use lemon slices to cook the fish and prevent it from sticking to the grill

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Place lemon slices on the grill and lay the fish on top. Also place other slices next to the fish. When you flip it, lay the fish on the other lemon cluster. No more fish fillets that end up in lint before the end of cooking! Check out the trick here.

26. Use a cardboard egg carton to easily light the BBQ

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Exit gasoline and very chemical fire starters. Simply take a cardboard egg carton and put a charcoal pebble in each space. Then, with a simple lighter, set the cardboard on fire:the charcoal will light up as the cardboard burns. Clever, isn't it?

27. Use chips to light the grill

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Even better:throw chips in the barbecue to light it easily. Just set them on fire with a lighter and place them on the charcoal which will eventually light up. Check out the trick here.

28. Use trays to keep your grills hot

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Do not let your grilled meats and their toppings cool down. Place them in an aluminum dish and stack the dishes on top of each other on the barbecue grill. The heat stays in the dishes and keeps your food warm.

29. Cut the sausages in a spiral

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Spiral-cut hot dogs cook better, are juicier, crispier and look great too. The grooves also hold sauces better. Skewer the sausage and run a knife over it while rotating it to obtain a spiral cut.

30. Create a BBQ with two heat zones

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Turn your grill into a luxury barbecue with 2 heat zones. For this, heat only one side. Cook your meat on the hot side (obviously), and then place it on the other side for about 2 minutes so that it finishes cooking without cooling thanks to its juices.

31. Roast the lemons

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Give a smoky flavor to your lemons. Place them cut in half on the grill for a few minutes. Then, squeeze them on your dishes. Nice this little taste of smoked lemon, right?

32. Smoke your grill even with an electric grill

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

You only have an electric BBQ? You can still make your food taste smoky! For this, prepare a pocket with aluminum foil and wrap wood chips in it. Then drill holes and put the wrap under the grate above the top burner. This tip will add a smoky flavor to your grills on the electric BBQ.

33. Speed ​​up meat cooking with the microwave

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Need to grill something in record time? First cook the meat as long as possible in the microwave and finish it on the grill.

34. Use aluminum foil on the meat to prevent it from drying out

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Another way to prevent the meat from drying out is to put it under some kind of aluminum tent. To do this, place a piece of aluminum foil on your piece of meat for about 10 minutes. It will cook "smothered" while retaining its juices and aromas while remaining warm, very tender and not dry.

35. Poach the sausages before grilling

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Poach your sausages in a pot of boiling water before throwing them on the grill. They will thus remain very juicy and will not dry out. This also eliminates fat and cooks them evenly.

36. Clean your grill with lemon and salt

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Put on household gloves to protect your hands. Squeeze a lime juice and put in a big tablespoon of salt. Take a sponge that you soak in this mixture. Pass the sponge over the traces of rust. Then wash with soapy water. Rinse the grid and dry it. Check out the trick here.

37. Toast your buns without burning them

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Nobody likes burnt bread. Toast them by placing them on a raised rack. To do this, place a small rack on a few cans above the main rack and put your buns on the highest rack.

38. Make a dessert on the BBQ

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

You can make good desserts on the grill, yes! You can make marshmallow-chocolate roasted bananas baked in the banana peel. Click here for the recipe.

39. Prepare a brine to reduce cooking time

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Too hot to stay over the grill? Prepare a brine, a kind of very hot marinade, and throw your meats in it before grilling them. This will reduce the cooking time. Find the recipe here.

40. Put a camembert on the grill

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

This is my favorite trick! Put a cheese with a crust, such as Camembert or Brie, on the grill for a few minutes. When you pull it out and cut it, it will sink. All you have to do is dip some bread in it... hum!

41. Think cooking en papillote

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

It is a very good method of stewing. You can cook fish, meat and vegetables in it. My favorite:the potato cooked in foil with a cream/herb sauce. Just put all the raw food in the foil and place it on the BBQ. Check out the video tutorial here.

42. Check meat doneness using your palm

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Using a thermometer to check the temperature of the meat may seem like a good idea, but piercing the meat will cause the juices to leak out. Instead, use your hand to check the doneness of your meat by pressing down on the meaty part of your palm. Depending on how you squeeze your fingers, your palm becomes more or less hard. Test on your hand and feel the meat to see if you find the same resistance. Look at the picture to know the correct cooking.

To discover: Blue, Rare, Medium:The Guide to Never Mess About Cooking a Steak Again.

43. Use a cast iron skillet on the grill

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Just because you're using a barbecue doesn't mean you have to forget about that gorgeous cast iron skillet you have in the cupboard! Put the cast iron skillet on the grill, especially for fish and certain meats that do not hold together when cooking. Plus, it's perfect for evenly distributing heat.

44. Another tip for smoking your food with an electric BBQ

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

We have already offered you a tip above to create a smoker for the electric barbecue. Here is another method with an aluminum cake pan, aluminum foil and a wooden pick. Place the charcoal in the mould, cover it with the aluminum foil and poke holes with the knife. Place everything under your grill and let the smoke escape on your food.

45. Toast the citrus fruits

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Place lemon slices on the grill and toast them. Once golden, use them to make smoked lemonade. Have you ever tasted? You tell me the news ! If you don't like it, simply squeeze the grilled lemon over your grill. Grilling them gives them more flavor.

46. Peel the roasted vegetables with a paper bag

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Trying to peel grilled vegetables is quite a feat, especially peppers. It's a bit like trying to take off wet jeans. To avoid disfiguring and ruining them, put them in a closed paper bag and let them steam. After 10 minutes, crumple the bag with the bell pepper inside to loosen the skin. All you have to do is remove the shreds of skin! The tutorial is here.

47. Cook a veggie burger

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Are you a vegetarian? So perhaps the barbecue may seem far removed from your concerns... And yet, you can cook a lot of vegetables on the grill. Like squash, for example, which you can put in a bun and create a veggie burger. It is a perfect substitute for meat.

48. No pliers? Use chopsticks!

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

You are not yet equipped like the king of barbeuk? It doesn't matter, improvise with chopsticks to replace the tongs. Ideal for turning meat or vegetables on the grill.

49. The trick to make the BBQ grid no longer stick

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Nobody likes to clean the barbecue. So remember to prepare your grill before cooking by oiling it with a neutral vegetable oil. Dip a paper towel in cooking oil and wipe it over your tongs, grill, and all your utensils before cooking. In this way, the food will not stick and will be removed more easily.

50. Chinese chopsticks can also be used as skewers

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Another good reason to keep chopsticks is that they can turn into skewers. You can steal whatever you want from it!

51. And even rosemary branches can be used as skewers

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Rosemary smells good and tastes delicious. In addition, its wood is strong enough to serve as a skewer with integrated seasoning. Prick your pieces of meat in it and cook. This limits the amount of herbs you will need!

52. Upgrade Store Bought BBQ Sauce

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

Store bought sauce is sometimes a bit bland. Add your personal touch by putting cider vinegar, hot sauce, paprika or any other ingredient you like!

53. Take advantage of the heat of the barbecue for a snack

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

After grilling all your meats and vegetables, take advantage of the heat of the grill to prepare the snack. Put slices of toasted bread on the rack and add chocolate and fruit. Mmm too good!

54. Make a homemade bellows out of two plastic bottles

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

To activate the embers, you often need a bellows. You do not have any ? No need to buy one. Just take 2 plastic water bottles and follow the tutorial. Check out the trick here.

55. No grid? No problem!

55 Simple Tricks To Become The King Of The Barbecue. Don t miss #42!

You don't have a barbecue grill at the campsite? Make your makeshift fireplace in minutes with next to nothing. Check out the video tutorial here.

Your turn...

Have you tried any of these tips for your barbecue parties? Do you know any others? Share them in the comments with us. We can't wait to read you!