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Eating well on a tight budget is possible!

Eating well on a tight budget is possible!

A tight budget? Difficult end of the month?

It's not easy to eat well every day without spending too much.

Single or at the head of a large family, it is for all of us a real headache.

And yet, it is possible by observing a few rules and being vigilant...

Did you know that the food budget represents, on average, between 15 and 20% of the household budget?

It would be placed just after that of the dwelling. Scary…

We are all at the same point and unfortunately the prices continue to climb on the shelves of our supermarkets. Let's try to see together how to save while eating well:

Eating well on a tight budget is possible!

Preparing your shopping list well:an essential step…

Knowing in advance what you are going to put in your shopping cart is essential! Not only is it an undeniable time saver, but above all it will allow you to buy only what you need.

I can only advise you once again, to establish your menus for the week in advance, so you will have time to think of economical and quick recipes and you will avoid often expensive favorite purchases!

On the other hand, if my darlings only drink water during the week, I allow a bottle of soda on the weekends, you also have to know how to treat yourself from time to time!

Compare prices and vary your supply channels!

While some discounters sometimes offer attractive prices, this is not always the case. Sometimes it is more interesting to buy 500 grams of minced meat directly from your butcher than in these supermarkets.

And the quality of the meat is only better! I noticed this just last week when preparing my Chili con carne:I went to my butcher to buy my minced meat, the price per kilo was lower than that of my hard discount store!

Similarly, when some stores offer promotions on certain products (like buying two cans of detergent, the second at half price), others also have very attractive prices on some of their items (for example, promotions on fruit and seasonal vegetables).

Do not hesitate to vary your visits to these stores in order to find their best deals! It would be a shame not to take advantage of it!

Do not go shopping on an empty stomach…

This may sound like silly advice to you, but I can assure you that it is valuable. Strolling through the shelves on an empty stomach encourages us to consume more and fill our Grand V speed shopping cart!

The ideal? Shopping right after lunch. When I stroll through the shelves on Saturday at 11 a.m., it's a horror! I want to buy everything!

Stop waste!

Do not throw away no more leftovers, reuse it :for example, a surplus of pasta can very well turn into a delicious gratin the next day.

Also remember to freeze dishes that you have simmered yourself, the whole family will be delighted to taste them in the weeks to come. Your budget will love it!

Let's summarize:my food budget for 4 people (dad, mom and their two children)

  • By establishing my menus in advance for the week (i.e. a lot of groceries for 7 days including a few extras for the weekend, but also my household products):average price of my shopping cart at the week 120€
  • Either a monthly budget of €480
  • That is a annual food budget of approximately €5,760

I specify that my children have lunch in the canteen and that my husband goes to work with his homemade bowl - often made up of leftovers from dinner -!

Do you have any other tips and tricks for me to help me manage your food expenses? On your keyboards, the comments, it's over here!