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9 great grandmother tips to save a failed dessert!

Desserts, these little sweet dishes which delight young and old. If we love to eat them, preparing them can sometimes be a little more complicated. Whether you are a cooking pro or not, it happens to us all a few times, tomiss the preparation of a dessert. At this moment, we find ourselves distraught, frustrated , we wonder about the future of our pastry, and we don't know what to do. Fortunately, our grandmothers always have the good trick to get us out of trouble and save our dessert failed.

These ancestral tips to transform our failed desserts

The tricks of our grandmothers to save our desserts , reside in the transformation. And yes, with them, one recipe can hide another. It is therefore no longer a question of getting rid of our preparation or our overcooked cake , we add some ingredients and a icing for a gourmet and presentable dessert ! Thanks to these tricks, the most delicate moments in the kitchen, such as unmolding the cake, become real child's play.

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