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10 facts about chocolate

Chocolate… We love it! It is one of the most loved products on the planet. Chocolate is widely eaten not only in the Netherlands, but all over the world. We have therefore listed 10 facts here.

1. Chocolate is good for weight loss
Eating dark chocolate (minus 70%) activates your metabolism and is therefore good for weight loss.

2. The biggest chocolate eaters come from Europe, we are in 13th place with an average of 4.5 kg of chocolate per person per year.

3. Chocolate is made from a fruit
The fruit of the cocoa tree, which contains an average of 40 seeds (called cocoa beans). Chocolate is made from these seeds, to which sugar, extra cocoa butter and possibly other ingredients are added.

4. Chocolate is good for your health
Eating dark chocolate (minus 70% cocoa) is scientifically proven to be good for your health. Among other things against cardiovascular diseases and tooth decay, and it has a beneficial effect on blood pressure and blood vessels thanks to the antioxidants (flavonoids) in cocoa.

5. Chocolate makes you happy
Research has shown that the brains of people who eat chocolate produce more endorphins – and endorphins are one of the messengers involved in our sense of pleasure. In addition, we are evolutionarily tuned to appreciate sweet flavors, chocolate feels good in our mouth, and we also associate it with pampering and reward, which only enhances the pleasure experience.

6. The Dutch eat an average of 47 chocolate Easter eggs per person before and during Easter.

7. White chocolate is not chocolate.
White chocolate contains cocoa butter, but does not contain cocoa powder or cocoa solids that give normal milk and dark chocolate its color and taste. Because cocoa butter doesn't actually taste good, it is mixed with milk fat, vanilla and sugar for a sweeter taste.

8. The scent of chocolate provides relaxation
Chocolate is known to have extremely soothing properties. One study found that people were more relaxed when only the smell of chocolate was around.

9. Swiss people eat the most chocolate per year
Although we Dutch eat a lot of chocolate every year, that is nothing compared to the amount that is eaten in Switzerland. According to research by Forbes and the Euromonitor, the Swiss eat an average of 19.8 pounds of chocolate per year and are known as the largest chocolate-consuming country in the world.

10. It's a natural aphrodisiac
Phenethylamine, the chemical we produce in our bodies when we fall in love, is found in abundance in cocoa! Because PEA is heat sensitive, much of the PEA is missing in conventional cooked and processed chocolate. That's why love and chocolate have such a deep connection!