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How do I become a vegan?

Opting for a vegan diet can be easy, especially if you have a few things in mind when you start out. Let's start by looking at the overall approach. The most obvious way to go vegan is to focus on eliminating animal products from your diet. Surprisingly, this method of transition is very, very difficult. Yet the number of vegans is growing strongly; You're not the only one! But how do you become vegan? We have some tips here!

1. Take it easy
Keep your end goal in mind, but go at your own pace. Some people manage to go vegan overnight and if that's the right approach for you, great. But don't worry if you think you need more time. Like any other lifestyle change, not only does veganism take some getting used to, but it takes time to determine what works best for you. It's not a one-size-fits-all experience and there are countless approaches you can take.

Making small changes to your daily meals is one of the easiest ways to increase the amount of plant foods in your diet. You can start by avoiding meat or dairy products one day a week and continue from there. Or you could try changing one meal at a time, using a vegan breakfast during your first week, adding a vegan lunch during week two, and so on. You could even try changing one product at a time by swapping cow's milk for almond or soy milk or butter for coconut oil or margarine. There is a plant-based alternative to almost every type of food you can think of so you don't miss out on your favorite dishes.

2. Do it right
Make sure you're not missing out on any essential nutrients. Just because you're vegan doesn't mean you're 100% healthy, because there are vegan versions of almost every type of junk food you can think of. As long as you eat a wide variety of tasty plant foods, planning a healthy diet that includes all the vitamins and nutrients you need is a breeze.

3. Try new things
Give your taste buds new foods and new flavors. Stepping out of your food comfort zone takes you on a journey of discovery to new cuisines. There are thousands of vegan recipes available from all over the world. Whatever your culinary preference, you will encounter many new dishes and interesting variations of your old favourites. You will be pleasantly surprised by the number of meals you can easily prepare based on things already in your kitchen or ingredients from the supermarket.

4. Keep Learning
Remember that going vegan is a learning curve. Living as a vegan in a non-vegan world takes both courage and curiosity. Veganism has been around for a long time, but it is still a relatively new concept for many people. It's important that you give yourself time to learn about the different aspects of veganism – and don't forget to pat yourself on the back for the progress you've made.

5. Ask for help
“Where can I buy vegan chocolate?” “How do I bake cakes without eggs?” Don't be afraid, you are not alone. There are plenty of websites and books that are full of information and resources on all of these questions and more. There's nothing like talking to other vegans via Facebook or Twitter, for example.

6. Remember why
Keep reminding yourself of the reasons you chose a vegan lifestyle and the benefits you've experienced since going vegan. You'll start to find vegan much easier than expected, but if you're having a bad day or if you feel like this whole vegan thing is too hard work, take a deep breath and think about your choices. Reading books or regularly watching informative and uplifting videos about veganism can help, as can keeping motivational visual memories such as photos of your favorite animals.

7. Don't give up
If you believe in yourself, living vegan quickly becomes second nature. There's always a better reason to stick with your decision than to argue with it. If you're having trouble with friends or family, don't give up. You have chosen an amazing, exciting and profound way to live your life – enjoy it.