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5 superfoods for the winter

Winter is in full swing, which means when it comes to food, it's time to fill our plates with some of the most delicious – and nutrient-packed – foods of the year. This season's foods are packed with disease-fighting antioxidants, skin-nourishing vitamins, and stress-reducing compounds that nourish both our bodies and minds. So before you hit the supermarket, check out our top 5 foods for winter.

With its deep red color, it is a shame that this super fruit is not included as an ideal food for the winter. Pomegranates don't just fight inflammation and help slow tumor growth; the juice is also good for your heart. Drinking just 10 grams a day can lower high blood pressure and triglycerides and raise your heart-protective HDL cholesterol. It's also much lower in sugar than apple juice and orange juice, so it's a good option for kids at the dinner table.

This favorite is packed with benefits. Apples contain pectin, which helps to lower blood sugar and blood pressure; and they're also packed with vitamins A, E, and beta-carotene — a trio of nutrients that fight cellular damage and help prevent asthma, diabetes, and heart disease. Another reason to chew apples? They can add years to your life. So feel free to eat a lot.

Brussels sprouts
You may have thought they smelled as a kid, or even as an adult, but it's time to try them again. Whether roasted whole or chopped and sautéed, Brussels sprouts are packed with essential nutrients such as folate and fiber.

Sweet Potatoes
The sweet potato is one of our favorite foods. This vegetable is packed with carotenes, vitamins C and B6 and potassium. Sweet potatoes may also help balance blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. It's also one of the most versatile vegetables – a favorite for pies, fries and everything in between.

Many people assume that other than raw or steamed, there is no other way to eat cauliflower. But this vegetable is more versatile – and more nutritious – than you think. It contains the compound sulforaphane, which has been shown to prevent stomach ulcers. The vitamin C in cauliflower also lowers your risk of heart disease, and the vitamin K it contains helps increase bone strength. They are also one of the best vegetables for fighting cancer.