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10 easy ways to eat a little healthy

We can all do a little bit healthier, but often it's a matter of doing too much and not having enough time. Here are some easy ways to eat healthier without actually trying:

1. Eat slowly. Chew your food well and eat slowly. A handy trick is to put your knife and fork down between bites and only pick it up when you've finished your bite. You will enjoy your food more and almost certainly eat a little less.

2. Practice portion control. Give yourself a fair share. Eat it (slowly, of course). If you're still hungry 20 minutes later, have a little more.

3. Eat whatever you like, but in moderation. Banning yourself will only backfire, so don't do it.

4. Make at least one “swap” per day. Swap your 2nd coffee for an herbal tea, swap the elevator for the stairs, swap a sweet treat for a piece of fruit.

5. Drink warm or hot water with lemon first in the morning (at least 30 minutes before breakfast). It's a great way to kick-start your metabolism and the body's natural rejuvenation mechanisms.

6. Drink more water throughout the day. Try to drink more water and try warm water instead of cold every now and then.

7. Do not eat meat for at least a day. Go vegan one day a week. It is good for you and you will undoubtedly surprise yourself how delicious it can be.

8. Increase your nutritional intake every day with a fresh juice, smoothie or soup. If you don't have a blender or juicer, invest in one and try making a smoothie recipe. You will be amazed at how many fruits and vegetables you ingest.

9. Eat when you are hungry. Don't eat if you aren't. It's that simple.

10. Listen to what your body really wants. Often you will find that while you think you want a cookie or cake with your coffee, your body would actually love some yogurt (good fat and protein to boot).