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Fall season is vegetable season

“You are what you eat” – a saying everyone has probably heard. A good, healthy and balanced diet is the basis for a healthy life. Here we provide information about the health effects that food can have on the body and tips on how to prevent physical disorders due to poor nutrition.

Do seasonal products contribute to health?

A healthy diet not only keeps you fit and in a good mood, but also increases your well-being in the long run. Blood pressure remains stable and the risk of chronic complaints, such as heart disease or diabetes, is reduced. Eating seasonal fruits and vegetables is a very simple and obvious guide to a healthy diet. Seasonal vegetables that can be grown regionally usually contain more nutrients than vegetables and fruits that are grown in greenhouses or reached our plate through a long supply chain.

But how do you recognize seasonal products? In times of imported food from all over the world, not every consumer immediately knows which types of fruit and vegetables are currently in season in their own country when they go to the supermarket. You can find tips on the internet or of course at the regional weekly market. In the Netherlands, for example, the autumn months are the harvest time for a large number of cabbage varieties, pumpkin varieties, potatoes and tree fruits, such as various apples and pears.

Preventing disease:healthy food alone is not enough

However, it is not just a healthy diet that maintains a healthy body. Regular exercise is also part of a healthy lifestyle. However, what many forget:To protect yourself against common diseases such as cardiovascular disease, regular preventive examinations should also be carried out. Regular preventive care can help not only to stay healthy, but also to identify diseases at an early stage. Everyone should have themselves checked regularly based on their age and previous family illnesses.