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My organic aperitifs and buffets

My organic aperitifs and buffets

The trend in terms of dinner invitations is more and more for dinner aperitifs and buffets of all kinds, either themed, or simply varied or original. The reason is undoubtedly to be found in the growing interest of the French for cooking and gastronomy, which have become hobbies in their own right, well helped in this by the proliferation of television programs around cooking and its techniques.

My organic aperitifs and buffets

When it comes to organic cooking, it has become fashionable to add "with or without gluten, lactose...":this is what this book also does to meet the demand of people who are - or sometimes just think they are! - more and more intolerant or even allergic to this or that food.

Precisely, about this little detail, this book "My organic aperitifs and buffets" evokes intolerances in everyone's food choices, so that your party is a success! There are also vegetarian recipes but not only, sweet and savory appetizers to cover all stages of the meal, gluten-free and/or lactose-free variants, with a large place given to vegetables, herbs and fresh fruits which are the kings of the buffet, in this book.

The book is divided into three parts:the first concerns drinks with lemonades, smoothies, sangrias and other fruit drinks; the second, by far the largest, is devoted to the savory buffet where you can find sauces, stuffed vegetables, gougères, terrines, bites, cakes and other puff pastries, each more succulent than the other; the third part offers sweets in which chocolates, flowers, spices are used to thrill our taste buds!

My organic aperitifs and buffets

In addition, we even find here all the little tricks to limit the dishes, such as using vegetables and fruits as containers!

Anahid Bacher and Delphine Paslin, the authors

The first, Anahid Bacher , is an organic market gardener in a region where agrobiology is highly developed:Trièves, at the crossroads of Isère, Drôme and Hautes-Alpes. She likes to transform her production of fruits and vegetables into healthy and delicious dishes.

The second, Delphine Paslin , is a culinary blogger who emphasizes "home-made" in order to favor a cuisine that is both natural and tasty. She is already co-author of several cookbooks.

(Editions Terre Vivante - May 2, 2014) - Price:12€