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Variation of lettuces with mussels

Variation of lettuces with mussels

Ingredients:bouchot mussels, dry white wine, garlic, butter lettuce, red leaf lettuce, oak leaf lettuce, celery, grapeseed oil, curry, harissa, white vinegar, whipping cream . Salt and pepper

Prepare the lettuces, wash and spin dry,

Place the cleaned mussels in a stewpot with the garlic in pieces and the white wine, cook until they open. Rid. Remove the top shell. Keep warm.

Cutting wedges in the celery,

Prepare the vinaigrette with the oil, vinegar, salt and pepper, add a pinch of curry and a pinch of harissa. add the whipping cream.

Arrange the lettuces harmoniously arranged on plates, add the celery,

Then, divide the mussels over the salads.

Grizzle the mussels with the vinaigrette just before serving.