Family Best Time >> Food

Crispy milk-fed leg of lamb, zucchini tagliatelle and thyme flower

Ingredients:4 people
  • leg of milk-fed lamb
  • lamb chop bones
    2 or 3
  • courgettes
  • firm tomatoes
  • garlic
    1 head
  • chervil
    1/2 bunch
  • flowering thyme
    3 sprigs
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • sugar
    1 teaspoon
  • butter
  • salt, ground pepper
  • peanut oil

  • Preparation time:25 minutes
  • Cooking time:20 per kg

The good lamb:

He puts the flavor of his land in our mouths

The lamb that will be cooked on Easter morning will perhaps have the sweet smell of milk from Pauillac lamb, a slightly moist, white and young flesh, beaded with pink, with a seraphic and melting fat. Unless you prefer a pre-salted whose red meat has drawn its energy from the glycerides and the breath of the sea wind. Or even the lambs which have crunched the tender grass of the Pyrenean and Alpine foothills. /P>

Lambs with labels, lambs from specific terroirs, let's know how to choose well. We also demand clear labels.

During the Easter period, supermarkets and certain unscrupulous butchers watch out for our ritual lamb cravings. We can avoid the New Zealand lamb whose price defies all competition. Can we really enjoy frozen meat whose tallow hems unpleasantly in the mouth? We will be indulgent with the British lamb, a muscular weanling who let off steam on large windy moors. Let's say all the same that he does not have the grace of a first communicant. This animal is often a little tough! And very present on our shelves without its origin being always specified.

The recipe:

Preparing the filling:

Wash the zucchini. Cut them lengthwise with a paring knife to obtain thin, long strips. Boil the tomatoes. Cool them, peel them. Divide them in two. Avoid them. Slice each of these shells into four.


Preheat the oven to 250°C (th- 8). Salt the lamb. Brown it on all sides in a sauté pan with 3 tbsp of peanut oil and 30 g of butter (about 10 minutes). Place them on a gratin dish with its fat and the bones around. Add the head of garlic cut in half widthwise. Sprinkle the lamb with thyme flower. Slide it into the oven. Cook it for 20 minutes per kilo. Book on a hot dish. Wait 10 minutes before cutting it.

Degrease the baking dish. Pour a little water to dilute the cooking juices. Meanwhile, bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Dip the zucchini tagliatelle in it. Leave them for about 1 minute without waiting for the return to the boil. They must remain firm. Drain them. Put them in a dish. Drizzle them with olive oil. Book.

In a frying pan, heat 1 tbsp of olive oil over high heat. Throw in the tomato chips. Sprinkle with sugar and salt. Shake the container until the chips are colored. Remove them from the heat quickly enough so that they taste very fruity. Place them on the zucchini.

Cut the lamb. Serve it with the garnish and the jus in a sauceboat.

Crispy milk-fed leg of lamb, zucchini tagliatelle and thyme flower