When boiling hard-boiled eggs, it boils, so often the shell breaks during cooking.
There's always a broken egg in boiling water!
The egg white spreads in the cooking water and your hard-boiled egg is no longer very presentable.
Wondering how to cook hard-boiled eggs without breaking them.
Here's a tip to make sure you don't break the shell while cooking your hard-boiled eggs.
1. Before cooking the eggs, I fill my pan with cold water and put a few drops of white vinegar in the water. This strengthens the shells and prevents them from breaking.
2. I then boil the eggs for 9 minutes. I turn the egg 2 or 3 times during cooking using a spatula.
There you go, you have cooked eggs without breaking the shell :-)
No more eggs breaking in water!
Now you know how to cook hard-boiled eggs without breaking them.
And if ever the egg is damaged and breaks anyway, the vinegar prevents the egg from emptying into the water.