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The Little Simple Trick To Preserve Your Apples and Pears.

The Little Simple Trick To Preserve Your Apples and Pears.

The skin of apples and pears is fragile.

As a result, these fruits tend to spoil quickly.

We risk throwing away a lot of them, especially if we buy them in large quantities.

Fortunately, my grandmother had a simple little trick to keep apples and pears longer.

Just use newspaper. Here's how:

The Little Simple Trick To Preserve Your Apples and Pears.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Bonus tip

How to

1. Line the bottom of a crate with newspaper.

2. Arrange your fruit in your crate so that they do not touch each other.


There you go, your apples and pears will keep longer thanks to newspaper :-)

Whether picking them or storing them at home before consuming them, newspaper is the perfect way to protect the skin of your apples and pears.

Another advantage of newsprint is that the smell of its ink repels insects. The preservation of your fruit is therefore only improved.

Bonus tip

For optimal conservation, avoid the fruits touching each other, because if one of them rots, it can contaminate the others.

Finally, if you have damaged fruits, consume them first and do not store them with others. If you don't want to eat them right away, make compotes of them so you don't have to throw them away.