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The Very Simple Trick To Preserve Your Fruits Longer.

The Very Simple Trick To Preserve Your Fruits Longer.

In a basket, outside the fridge, fruit cannot be stored long time.

They sometimes rot in a few days.

Especially in summer. But putting the fruits in the fridge completely prevents them from ripening. So what to do?

There is a solution to keep fruit longer.

All you need is a lemon.

The Very Simple Trick To Preserve Your Fruits Longer.

  • How to
  • Result

How to

1. Put your fruit in a basket.

2. Place this basket on your table or on a shelf, away from direct sunlight.

3. Put a lemon in the middle of your fruit.


There you go, you will see your fruits keep longer :-)

Practical and efficient. In addition, it avoids wasting fruit by letting it rot! It's still more economical that way, isn't it?