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The Surprising Trick For Removing Strawberry Stems.

The Surprising Trick For Removing Strawberry Stems.

Here's a nifty new way to remove the stem from strawberries.

Here, no need for pliers to hull your red fruits.

After washing the strawberries, just use a plastic straw.

Push the straw to remove the stem and tail of the strawberry at the same time:

The Surprising Trick For Removing Strawberry Stems.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Bonus tip

How to

1. Wash your strawberries.

2. Take a straw.

3. Hold the cutter between two fingers.

4. Position the straw on the lower part of the strawberry.

5. Push the straw to remove the stem and tail of the strawberry at the same time.


There you go, you have removed the stems and tails of the strawberries easily :-)

Bonus tip

After using the straw, do not throw it away!

There is a trick to clean it easily. Click here to find out how.