Don't have a piping bag at home?
And you wonder how to replace it?
A piping bag is essential to make a pretty icing, a topping...
...but also to form cookies, macaroons, puffs, meringues or whipped cream.
Fortunately, there is an easy trick to make your homemade piping bag easily and without spending a dime.
Just cut the corner of a freezer bag and use it as an icing bag . Watch:
- freezer bag
- pair of scissors
- icing
1. Open the freezer bag well.
2. Fill it with icing or batter.
3. With the scissors, cut a corner of the bag.
4. Press the top of the pocket to release the icing.
And There you go ! Your homemade DIY piping bag is already ready :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
All that remains is to apply the frosting or cream to the cake.
Thanks to this homemade nozzle, you can now create original patterns with sauces and glazes.
In pastry, the pastry bag is very useful for giving cookies, macaroons, cabbage and meringues original shapes.
Initially, cut off a very small piece of corner and test to see if the cream comes out in the right amount and evenly.
If the net is too thin, widen the hole slightly.
To properly control the amount coming out of the pocket, place your thumb and index finger on the end of the pocket.
This gesture also allows you to work with great precision.
You can use the bag as is, or add a nozzle to make a topping with pretty shapes on your cupcakes or to make whipped cream.
The pockets you buy on the market are nothing more than a small bag with holes.
Cutting the corner of a freezer bag saves the purchase of a pastry bag.