Is your pie dough sticking too much on the rolling pin?
This often happens when making homemade pie crust.
And this is true for shortcrust pastry, puff pastry, pizza, brioche, bread, bredele...
The dough sticks to the roller, the work surface or the fingers and breaks.
So what to do to avoid this? No need to add more flour!
Luckily, there's an easy trick to rolling out sticky pie dough without it sticking to the rolling pin and without flour.
The trick is to spread it between 2 sheets of parchment paper . Watch:
- ball of dough
- rolling pin
- 2 sheets of parchment paper
1. Lay a sheet of parchment paper on your work surface.
2. Put your ball of dough on it.
3. Cover the ball with the second sheet of parchment paper.
4. Roll the rolling pin over the baking sheet.
And There you go ! Your dough spreads without sticking to the rolling pin :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
The dough does not stick to the rolling pin or the work surface.
Once the dough is rolled out, just remove the layer of paper on it.
Then place the dough in the mold on the bottom sheet of parchment paper.
This way, the dough won't stick in the mold either! No mess of parchment paper.
This trick works for shortcrust, shortbread, or puff pastry. But also for shortbread cookie dough like this.
Parchment paper prevents food from sticking to a surface.
It is therefore perfect for rolling out dough that will no longer wrap around the rolling pin.
In addition, it avoids having to use flour, which changes its consistency a little.