Family Best Time >> Food

The trick to frying your food without splashing.

The trick to frying your food without splashing.

Every time I do cook a food in the pan, the oil splashes everywhere.

Not only is my hob full of splatters...

...but especially the splashes risk burning my hands when I cook.

Luckily, there's a simple trick to cooking all your food without splashing. Just use salt.

The trick to frying your food without splashing.

How to

1. Before placing the food, put a pinch of salt in the pan.

2. Add your fat to cook your food.

3. Now put the food to cook.


There you go, you can cook without splashing fat everywhere :-)

Simple, practical and effective!

And it works for all foods:meat, fish, vegetables...

Thanks to this grandmother's trick, your food is well cooked. But above all there are no splashes of grease all over the kitchen.

The stove stays clean! No need to clean it with white vinegar and baking soda.

In addition, you avoid getting small burns while cooking, because of grease splashes.

But if you ever get burned anyway, try one of these home remedies for quick pain relief.

For added safety, you can also use a splash guard like this one.

How does it work?

You avoid getting splashed by oil splashes that jump everywhere because the salt will retain the grease in the pan.

In fact, when water in food or on food comes into contact with hot oil or fat, it causes spattering. It splashes and it squirts.

And salt prevents this reaction from forming.

Your turn...

And you, did you know this trick to avoid oil splashes when cooking in a frying pan? Tell me in the comments.