Every time you peel onions do you cry nonstop?
Me, it's the same and yet I use them in all sauces, for my home remedies or in my dishes.
Fortunately, my grandmother told me her secret to peeling onions without crying.
The trick is to put the onions in the freezer for 15 minutes before peeling them. Watch:
1. Before peeling them, put your onions for 15 minutes in the freezer.
2. After 10 to 15 minutes, take them out.
3. Without delay, peel your onions as usual.
There you go, you peeled your onions without crying :-)
It takes a little organization, but it's super effective.
My grandmother also told me about another trick not to cry while peeling onions.
Just take a sip of water that you keep in your mouth.
While keeping the water in your mouth, peel your onions. It's amazing, but it also works!