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The Genius Trick to Empty a Squash Easily in 2 Minutes.

The Genius Trick to Empty a Squash Easily in 2 Minutes.

Tapping a squash is not part of pleasure !

They have to be removed and it takes forever...

In addition, the sticky flesh slides and you can easily put it everywhere.

Fortunately, there is a trick to empty all the seeds of squash, pumpkin, potimarron or pumpkin in the blink of an eye.

The trick is to use a simple ice cream scoop to remove the glitches in 2 minutes flat . Watch:

The Genius Trick to Empty a Squash Easily in 2 Minutes.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?
  • What to do with pumpkin seeds?

What you need

- an ice cream scoop

- bowl

How to

1. Cut your squash in half.

2. Take the ice cream scoop.

3. Scrape the seeds as if you wanted to make a scoop of ice cream.

4. Empty the spoon into the bowl.

5. Repeat until there are no more seeds.


The Genius Trick to Empty a Squash Easily in 2 Minutes.

And There you go ! All the glitches in your squash are gone :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

Finished the hassle of removing everything from the sticky flesh of the vegetable.

This trick works with squash, but also pumpkin, squash, squash, squash and even large seedy zucchini.

Why does it work?

The ice cream scoop has a sharp edge that makes work easier.

It cuts the soft, sticky flesh of the vegetable and collects all the pips at the same time.

What to do with pumpkin seeds?

It would still be a shame to throw away all those pumpkin seeds, wouldn't it?

3 anti-waste solutions are available to you.

You can grill them to eat them as an aperitif by following this recipe.

Or, plant a few to have a new squash plant next year.

Last solution:give them to the birds in winter.