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The Simple Trick To Frost A Cake Easily.

The Simple Trick To Frost A Cake Easily.

Preparing a cake is not always an easy thing to do.

And icing it with a thin layer of melting chocolate can be a real obstacle course!

But, recently, I've been using an unstoppable trick for a perfect frosting of my pastries.

By squeezing the corner of a small freezer bag filled with my preparation, I ice my cake by simply going around.

Here is my technique in picture:

The Simple Trick To Frost A Cake Easily.

How to

1. Take a small freezer bag (or other plastic bag).

2. Cut one of its corners.

3. Simply fill a small freezer bag with your icing.

4. Gently press the bag around the cake.


And there you have it, you have made your icing effortlessly :-)

Simple, practical and effective, isn't it?

You see, it's super easy to do.

And you don't even need a pastry bag to make a nice icing! It's much more economical that way.

And it works great for chocolate icing on a hot or cold cake. It's perfect for successfully topping a beautiful birthday cake.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandma's trick for successfully icing a cake? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!