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Economical Recipe:Make Compotes with Fruit Leftovers.

Economical Recipe:Make Compotes with Fruit Leftovers.

Is your fruit already starting to rot? Remember to use them to make good compotes.

The advantage of this dessert is that you can even put fruits that are overripe in it.

It prevents you from throwing what you bought at the market.

As soon as your fruit starts to spoil, waste no time in making homemade compote.

The recipe is very easy. Watch:

Economical Recipe:Make Compotes with Fruit Leftovers.

How to

1. Peel 4 to 5 overripe or damaged fruits .

2. Remove the badly damaged parts.

3. Cut the remains of the fruit.

4. Put them in 15 cl of water in a saucepan.

5. Add three tablespoons of sugar.

6. Cook for 30 minutes over low heat.

7. Put everything in the blender.

8. Chill.


Economical Recipe:Make Compotes with Fruit Leftovers.

And that's it, it's over, we don't talk about it anymore, the recipe is ready to be tasted :-)

Easy, fast and convenient!

This grandmother's trick avoids food waste . And that's always good news.

Plus, you save money.

Because not only do you not throw away the fruit, but you also have a n snack or a homemade dessert!

It's better and it's cheaper.

You can serve the compote as it is with a meal or as a snack, to flavor a yoghurt.

Spread on toast, or French toast, it's not bad either.

You can make compotes of apples, pears, bananas or apricots... Anything is possible.

Savings achieved

This recipe, in addition to being very good, is also economical.

1/4 of the fresh produce we buy ends up in the trash.

And yet, it's not that complicated to avoid food waste.

Just use up leftovers, especially when it comes to fruit.

The homemade compote is a smart recipe that allows you not to throw away what is still salvageable.

A cool trick to save on groceries especially fruity desserts. You can also use overripe fruit to make pies.

Your turn...

Are you going to try the homemade compote ? If so, what fruit will you use? Share your recipes in the comments.