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The One and Only Way to Store Tomatoes Properly.

The One and Only Way to Store Tomatoes Properly.

Many of us keep our tomatoes in the fridge.

Especially in summer, when we are afraid that they will ripen too quickly.

However, you may not know it, but the cold makes tomatoes lose all their taste, whatever the season. So what to do?

The best solution for storing tomatoes is below, in image:

The One and Only Way to Store Tomatoes Properly.

How to

Store your tomatoes in a basket or salad bowl, out of the fridge.

To prevent them from spoiling in a few days, avoid placing them near your window.

Changes in temperature would cause them to soften and rot.

They will also avoid the sun which would make them ripen too quickly.

I put them in this pretty red and white basket above my fridge, opposite the window and the sun.

Bonus tip

The One and Only Way to Store Tomatoes Properly.

Wash them only when you eat them, so that again they retain all their taste qualities.

And if you have a cut tomato left on your hands, use this trick to store it easily.

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick to store tomatoes? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!