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The One and Only Way to Know if your Eggs are Really Organic or Label Rouge.

The One and Only Way to Know if your Eggs are Really Organic or Label Rouge.

Organic eggs, label rouge or free range hens?

Just because it says on the box doesn't mean it's true.

The packaging is often misleading and the breeding method indicated is not necessarily the one you believe.

The most common is to be deceived in the markets where the trader makes us believe that the hen was raised in the open air on the farm when it is often hens raised in battery...

So, to be sure that the hens have been raised in the open air, as indicated on the box, to be sure that your eggs come from organic farming, there is only one criterion:the number of series written on each egg.

The One and Only Way to Know if your Eggs are Really Organic or Label Rouge.

How to decipher this serial number?

Here's the one and only thing you need to know to stop being fooled.

The first digit on this serial number determines the farming method:

- 0 for hens from organic farming,

- 1 for free-range hens,

- 2 for free-range hens,

- 3 for caged hens.

The two letters that follow designate the country of origin of the egg. FR =France.

Finally, the last 5 elements of the code contain information on the producer, and on the laying house from which the egg comes.

To show you how it works, I take an egg from my fridge. The code is 0FRJGI4 /5.

By reading the inscription in the order, I know that this egg comes from organic farming and that it comes from a French breeding.