You shake your salt shaker all over the place and not a grain of salt fate! This is a sign that moisture has entered the salt shaker and is sticking the salt.
Looking for a trick to keep your salt dry and clump-free?
Here are 2 effective tips against humidity in the salt shaker:
a/ Add a few grains of rice to your salt shaker.
b/ Shake to mix the rice with the salt.
Rice has the merit of absorbing moisture.
a/ Take a bottle cap of mineral water. (The corks are very often the same size as the neck of a salt shaker).
b/ Close your salt shaker with the stopper.
And There you go ! No more moisture in the salt shaker :-)
You won't have any trouble getting the salt out when you need it.
If you don't have salt shakers at home, you can find some really nice ones here.