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How to Peel Garlic in Seconds?

How to Peel Garlic in Seconds?

Peeling garlic is always a hassle for me.

It crumbles, it frays and in the end I put it all over the kitchen counter.

But since this year, I found a trick to shorten this chore. A cook friend entrusted it to me.

The trick to peeling garlic in 10 seconds flat is to hit the clove with a knife . It's very simple. Watch:

How to Peel Garlic in Seconds?

How to

1. Just press the blade of a large kitchen knife on the garlic clove.

2. Hit a fairly hard blow (not too hard anyway, I don't want to be responsible for your cut knuckles...).


There you go, you will see, as if by magic, the peel will peel off by itself and in addition the broken bulb will give off more perfume :-)

Simple, practical and effective.

And you kill two birds with one stone!

You will save a lot of time. And in addition your fingers will smell less bad.

And if they still smell bad, use this trick to eliminate bad smells.


Small precision on request of our reader Ingrid Arnoux:you have to press the clove of garlic with the side of the blade .

If the cutting edge is used, the blade is not stable enough on the pod and every other time it slips to the side.

In any case, thank you Ingrid!

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick? You know others to make your life easier in a garlic or onion cut? I await your comments!