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Is coconut water good for you?

Nutritionist and guest blogger Anita Mulderij about coconut water.

Anita Mulderij: 'Nutritional trends (healthy or not) come and go. But before you dive into the latest trend, it's good to find out whether something is really healthy or not. Coconut water seems to be here to stay. Is it really such a healthy drink, or do the nutrients disappoint?

What is coconut water?
The first question:what exactly is it? Coconut water is the transparent liquid that comes from a young coconut. The riper the coconut, the more flesh it produces. The number of nutrients in the coconut water also decreases the longer the coconut ripens. Coconut water has been drunk for centuries and also used in severe cases of dehydration, due to its high electrolyte content and the fact that you can drink it straight from the coconut without any problems. The sweetish taste of coconut water has also made it a favorite drink for some people.

Nutrients in coconut water
Coconut water contains various minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals that are good for health. Furthermore, coconut water contains 10 grams of natural sugars, few proteins and no fats. Potassium is present in the largest amount of all nutrients. A mineral that helps the body regulate fluid balance and blood pressure. You may even be deficient in potassium. Does this mean coconut water is good for you? Sure. If you like the sweet taste, coconut water is a perfect alternative to soda, with less sugar and calories.

Difference between coconut water and coconut milk k
Many people confuse coconut water with coconut milk. Coconut milk also contains a lot of nutrients, so you are in the right place in that regard. But beware:coconut milk contains many more calories than coconut water. A small glass of coconut milk already contains more than 500 calories, compared to a mere 42 calories in a glass of coconut water. Furthermore, coconut milk, like coconut water, contains a lot of potassium. But also magnesium, phosphorus and selenium should not be missing. A small footnote:coconut milk may contain a lot of calories, but the fatty acids from the saturated fats in coconut milk are very good for you. They are easy to absorb into your body and can be used directly by your brain. Coconut milk is therefore an excellent alternative to dairy when you bake or cook.

Where is the best place to buy coconut water?
Ideally, you drink coconut water directly from a young, green coconut. There are also healthy supermarket varieties. Just be careful to avoid the versions with added flavors and sugars. Healthy coconut water should consist of nothing less than 100% coconut water.'

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Text:Anita Mulderij | Image:Shutterstock