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Vanilla extract, more than just delicious

When you think of vanilla extract, do you mainly think of homemade sweets? Not quite right perhaps. Today our guest blogger and nutritionist Anita Mulderij tells more about the benefits of vanilla extract.

Anita Mulderij: 'When you think of vanilla extract, you may think of desserts, cakes and pastries. You will therefore be surprised that this dark brown liquid, made by soaking vanilla beans in alcohol, is also healthy. Vanilla extract has numerous health benefits. Not just for our physical health. Vanilla extract can also support you mentally. Which substances in the extract are responsible for this?

Antioxidants Vanilla extract is full of antioxidants, which counteract oxidative stress caused by free radicals. That is healthy, because oxidative stress affects our cells. Vanilla extract counteracts this process and supports our cells to stay healthy.

Antibacterial agents
Vanilla extract contains antibacterial substances, which help your body fight a cold or the flu. It also tackles other infections in your body. Traditionally, vanilla extract has even been a means to tackle germs.

Anti-inflammatory substances In addition to antioxidants and antibacterial substances, vanilla extract contains anti-inflammatory substances. That is good news for our health, because inflammation is the root of many diseases.

It is also suggested by some that being overweight may have its origin in inflammatory reactions in our body. To avoid these, it helps to eat as much unprocessed food as possible. Flavoring your food with fresh herbs and, for example, vanilla extract, instead of a sauce from containers and packets helps with this.

Mental health

Inflammatory reactions in our body are in themselves very healthy to keep unwanted substances out or to fight germs. However, if your body has to constantly react with inflammation, your brain releases chemicals that affect your mental health. These substances have been observed in people with depression. Vanilla counteracts inflammation and can therefore support the prevention of depression. An extra reason to add vanilla extract to your homemade desserts, cake or tea more often.

What is vanilla extract?
Vanilla extract is made from vanilla beans and is dark in color. Always make sure to buy good quality vanilla such as bourbon or organic vanilla pods. It is therefore slightly different from the colorless liquid that you can also buy as vanilla extract at the supermarket. Don't skimp on this, because the latter does not have the health-giving effect of natural vanilla extract.'

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Text:Anita Mulderij | Image:Shutterstock