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3 pitfalls in meal prepping

Doesn't meal prepping really get off the ground? You may have fallen into one of these pitfalls.

1. You are not using any recipes
It probably sounds familiar to everyone:you go to the supermarket, buy some ingredients, only to find out at home that you can't really make anything out of this. Don't be afraid to use recipes. It is especially useful during meal prepping, because that way you know exactly how much of each ingredient you need.

2. You have no goal
You saw meal prepping on Instagram and decided you wanted it too. There's nothing wrong with that in itself, but if you set yourself a goal, it becomes easier to keep up with meal prepping. The goal can be different for everyone:from eating healthier to spending less money on food in the cafeteria or on the road.

3. There's nothing wrong with convenience
You may feel guilty buying pre-sliced ​​vegetables, but if you're always crying over the onions, there's nothing wrong with buying a tub of pre-sliced ​​onions. Or a bowl of pomegranate seeds. You save money in the cafeteria, so the small expense for your extra convenience is perfectly justified.

Need inspiration? These are 4 books about meal prepping.