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There are so many calories in Sinterklaas candy

There are so many calories in Sinterklaas candy

Chocolate letters, kruidnoten in all sorts of flavours, marzipan… The shops are overflowing with Sinterklaas candies, making the temptation great. If you do give in, it might be useful to know how many calories are in all that Sinterklaas candy.

Walk into any supermarket or drugstore and you will be flooded with lots of Sinterklaas goodies. Now one Sinterklaas candy is not as high in calories as the other, but it is nice to have that in a row.

Also read:'How many calories should I eat less to lose weight?'

Overview calories Sinterklaas candy

The Nutrition Center has a nice overview:

  • 5 gingerbread cookies (3 gr):53 Kcal
  • Slice of chewy (20 gr):70Kcal
  • Foam:10Kcal
  • 10 spice nuts:75 Kcal
  • 5 chocolate spice nuts:51 Kcal
  • Speculaas:33 Kcal
  • Piece of marzipan (25 gr):105 Kcal
  • Cube of filled speculaas (25 grams):120 Kcal
  • Piece of pastry letter (30 gr):136 Kcal
  • Piece of milk chocolate letter (25 gr):137 Kcal