Family Best Time >> Food

Are there seasons for tea?

Why is it the right time? The tea is harvested 2 to 4 times a year. Early teas, harvested in the spring, have more buds. However, they are the most concentrated in " good " components:amino acids, antioxidants, chlorophyll, theine... These teas are tastier and more delicate than those harvested in summer, whose leaves have been fortified by the sun.

What teas do I drink? Chinese, which are picked from March to May:the whites (Bai Mu Dan, Aiguilles d’Argent), the greens (Xi Hu Long Jing, Huang Shan), the blue-greens (Wulong). Indians, black, harvested from late March to early April (all Darjeelings), and green Japanese, harvested in May-June (Sencha, Guri-cha).

Are they really fresh when they arrive at our house? Between picking and sale in the shop, it takes 15 days to a month. The freshness of the tea is therefore intact. To preserve it, place it in the refrigerator, in an airtight container. And we consume quickly:the tea will keep for a year at most!

Thanks to Valérie Stalport, from Neo.T. in Paris 18th.