Family Best Time >> Food

Is this a dream or is it real? There are healthy pizzas for sale

Eating pizza without getting fat. How sweet is that? Some attempts have already been made. Do you remember cauliflower pizza crust? You no longer have to work yourself. The pizza with cauliflower crust is for sale. And there is another flavour.

The Magioni brand comes with a cauliflower pizza base and a beetroot pizza base. There is a topped version of both variants for sale, but also a loose bottom, so that you can invest your pizza yourself. The products are for sale at Albert Heijn. A loose crust costs €3.29, a pizza topping costs €5.49.

We owe these healthy pizzas to Manon van Essen. She came up with the pizza (bases) and closed a deal with Albert Heijn. For more information, the nutritional value and recipes, visit the Magioni website.

Would you like to get started yourself? This is how you make a cauliflower pizza base.

Have you already tried a pizza from Magioni?