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3 ways you can use avocado oil

3 ways you can use avocado oil

Have you ever used avocado oil? By using the oil in these three ways, you can reap many benefits, both in and outside the kitchen.

Avocados have been popular for a long time, both in the kitchen and outside. And with good reason! After all, they contain healthy fats, potassium, fiber and vitamins. In addition, they are also very tasty – what more could you want? Avocado oil is therefore highly recommended to use, although we can imagine that you may not know exactly how. That is why we have described the three main ways to use this oil for you. Do you already have a bottle in your kitchen cupboard?

Read also: '5 questions about fats'

1. When cooking

There are of course many different oils that you can use to look at and avocado oil is one of them. You can use it for baking, roasting, roasting and stir-frying. It has a very neutral taste, which means it can have many different functions during cooking. Also think of the basis for marinades, mayonnaise or dressings. The advantages? Avocado oil not only provides a delicious taste and a fine texture, it also ensures that your body can better absorb carotenoids (healthy antioxidants) due to the high content of oleic acid. Simply put, cooking with avocado oil allows your body to better absorb the healthy benefits of fruits and vegetables. So win-win!

2. As skin care

Some of your skin products may already contain avocado oil. Avocado oil contains beta-carotene, protein, lecithin, fatty acids and vitamins A, D &E, which experts say help to hydrate your skin and even help protect against UV radiation. From now on, look for products with avocado oil as an ingredient or add a very small amount to your day cream. Note that avocado is a bit greasy, so try to avoid regular use if you suffer from acne (quickly).

3. As hair care

We all know that any type of oil can help fight breakage and split ends, but avocado oil really shines. Besides the positive effect on the quality of your hair, it also helps against dandruff and you can use it to detangle your hair. So use it to massage and moisturize your scalp or add it to your conditioner for the ultimate care. Do you suffer from very dry hair? Then you can also use avocado oil as a hair mask!