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5 ways your fridge can help you lose weight

5 ways your fridge can help you lose weight

Did you know that your refrigerator can help you lose weight? Not the fridge itself, of course – although a cheerful fridge does help to motivate you to eat healthier – but the way you set it up does. With these 5 ways you can organize your fridge in such a way that it can help you lose weight.

1. Put healthy combinations together

Sometimes the only thing standing between you and a healthy snack is time. To make your life easier and to prevent unhealthy snacking, it is best to keep healthy combinations together. Think carrots and hummus, apples and peanut butter, you name it. You can also make fresh fruit skewers, for example, which you store in a container in the fridge. Delicious for stringing pineapple, mandarin, banana, mango, blueberries and strawberries on a stick and snacking with them.

Read also :’13 products you don’t need to keep in the fridge’

2. Categorize and label food

To make it as easy as possible for yourself to eat healthy and eat more fruits and vegetables, categorize and label your food. This allows you to find healthy food faster and you can more easily avoid unhealthy food. Do you want to tackle your refrigerator design completely efficiently? Then invest in a few containers/organizers that you can use!

3. Store food strategically

You don't buy all kinds of healthy things and then lose them in the fridge, right? You're more likely to reach for healthy snacks if you can see them right away when you open the fridge. Therefore, put fruits, vegetables, lean protein sources, seafood and your favorite unsweetened drinks in the middle of the refrigerator, preferably at eye level. Bet that it is now much easier for you to choose the healthy options in your fridge?

4. Make a DIY salad bar

One of the biggest obstacles to preparing a healthy meal is the time investment we have to make. You want to be able to make food quickly and easily, but you also want to eat healthy. How do you handle that? Simple:make a DIY salad bar in your fridge. That sounds more complicated than it is, believe us. All you have to do is wash, cut and place your fresh fruits and vegetables in clear containers and put them in the fridge. This way you can quickly and easily put together a tasty salad without it costing you a lot of time between operations. Sounds good, right?

5. Put less healthy food out of sight

A healthy lifestyle is balanced. So that means you can enjoy your favorite, less healthy foods. The key to success is only to do so in moderation. In order not to tempt yourself to enjoy your less healthy foods too often, it is best to keep them out of your sight. For example, place them further back in your fridge so that you can reach them less easily and you are not tempted every time you open the fridge. You can also keep irresistible treats in the freezer. Then when you want a treat, it has to thaw first, so there's a chance that you might be less likely to grab it (or less likely to come back for a second round).