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These 8 mistakes will prevent your salad from helping you lose weight

These 8 mistakes will prevent your salad from helping you lose weight

Would you like to lose some weight and have you therefore decided to eat more salads? Then it is good that you are aware of these mistakes… You do not want to make them, otherwise you will not achieve the result you had hoped for, trust us. These mistakes prevent your salad from helping you lose weight!

1. You do not add proteins

If your goal is to lose weight, you may think that your salad should be as lean as possible to limit your calorie intake. But cutting a nutrient like protein from your salad is a big mistake. Proteins ensure that you are full quickly, so without it you will quickly get hungry after eating your salad. Proteins slow down digestion and stabilize your blood sugar, benefits you miss if you make a salad without it. Therefore, make sure you use healthy proteins such as chicken breast, turkey, fish, egg, nuts and seeds in your salad.

Read also :'Recipe:lentil-spinach salad'

2. You choose the wrong proteins

Protein is an essential part of a healthy salad, but the type you choose has a big impact on that. Some protein-rich products can also contain a lot of fat, so you often get a lot of calories from them. Just think of fried proteins, bacon, processed meats and cheeses. These products are not only bad for your weight, but can also raise your cholesterol levels. Therefore, choose lean proteins, such as grilled chicken, shrimp and fish. Plant-based options such as legumes and tofu are also ideal.

3. You forget the healthy fats

Although you don't want to stuff your salad with saturated fats if you want to lose weight, you also want to avoid getting any fat at all. Like lean proteins, healthy fats slow your digestion, keeping you full for longer. Always finish your salads with healthy fats such as avocado, olive oil-like dressings, nuts and seeds. Note:these are high-calorie products, so use them in moderation.

4. You only use iceberg lettuce

It's not the end of the world if your salad only contains iceberg lettuce, but it doesn't contain all the nutrients you can find in darker salad varieties (think spinach, arugula, romaine and mixed lettuce). Dark leafy vegetables, such as kale, contain more antioxidants, fiber and iron and are also a bit firmer, so you can fill them up faster. Are you really a fan of iceberg lettuce? Then try to make half of your salad from iceberg lettuce and the other half with a dark green variant.

5. You drown him in dressing

If you find salads boring and simple, an easy option is to use a creamy, greasy dressing to boost the flavor. But it probably won't have the effect you wanted... So opt for olive oil with vinegar and avocado-like dressings that contain healthy fats. They not only boost the taste, but also keep your stomach satisfied. In addition, fats help your body absorb the vitamins and minerals that you find in vegetables, such as vitamins A, D, E and K. Do you order food? Then ask if the dressing can be served separately, so that you can influence how much you use.

6. You always order prepackaged salads

They're quick and easy, of course, but prepackaged salads can contain unhealthy ingredients. Unless you can tell what your salad is made of (and it mainly contains vegetables with healthy toppings and a loose dressing), prepackaged salads can be a real mystery. You have absolutely no control over what is in your salad and how much of it is used. You may think you eat healthy, but it could just be that you are getting a lot of calories this way. If possible, it is therefore better to put together the salad yourself, so that you know exactly what is in it. Or, of course, just make them yourself!

7. You are not adding enough vegetables

Your lettuce leaves don't have to be the only green in your salad… If your salad is too small and consists mainly of other foods, it will not give you the desired result. The idea behind eating a salad is that you get more vegetables, nutrients, antioxidants and fiber. Therefore, make sure that your salad consists of a base of raw or cooked vegetables; the more fiber-rich vegetables you use, the fuller you will be afterwards.

8. You are using too many toppings

For some people, the highlight of the salad is the flavorful toppings. But toppings like cheese, croutons, nuts and bacon bits can get around the whole weight loss idea behind eating a salad. Less is more, in this case. Do you want more bite in your salad? Leave out the croutons and opt for a handful of raw nuts and seeds. Do you like something sweeter? Then opt for some blueberries or blackberries to give your salad a taste boost!
