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Eating beans doesn't help you lose weight because of these 4 mistakes

Eating beans doesn t help you lose weight because of these 4 mistakes

Would you like to lose weight and are you looking for healthy foods that can help you with that? You may have heard that eating legumes and beans can help you adopt a healthy lifestyle. And that is certainly true, if you do it right. There are a few mistakes you can make when eating beans that will prevent you from losing weight… So you don't want to make these mistakes!

1. Beans as the only source of protein

Protein is a nutrient that makes you feel full quickly. Because of this, eating protein can help you stick to your eating schedule without feeling hungry, even if you cut down on calories. But beans shouldn't be your only source of protein. They do not contain all the amino acids your body needs. Many beans contain little methionine, an amino acid that you mainly find in grains. Beans, on the other hand, contain a lot of lysine, which you find less in grains. That is why it can work well to combine these two foods, for example beans with rice. You don't necessarily have to eat them at the same meal to enjoy the benefits, FYI;-)

Read also :'7 simple tips for cooking dried beans'

2. Buy canned beans

More than 70% of the sodium we ingest in a day comes from processed, prepackaged foods. Yes, including canned beans. Now the sodium content varies per can – some contain none at all, others contain more than 1,000 milligrams per can. Eating too much sodium makes your body retain more water, which can make you feel bloated and even put on weight. Do yourself and your waistline a favor by choosing beans with a low sodium content!

3. Only combine beans with meat

When you combine beans with meat, you get a lot of protein. And research has shown that a diet high in protein and low in calories can help you lose weight. But did you know that vegetable proteins could possibly help with this even more? A 2016 study found that vegetarians and vegans generally weigh less than omnivores. Also, a 2018 study found that BMI increases were primarily related to how often people ate meat. So try (sometimes more often) to choose vegetable protein sources and see what it does to your weight loss process, maybe it will help!

4. Combine beans with high-calorie toppings

Those beans with cheese, sour cream, guacamole and nachos are very tasty, but this combination is not very waste-proof… By combining your beans with high-calorie toppings like this, you ensure that you not only do not lose weight, but that you even gain weight. Therefore, combine your beans with nutritious toppings that contain fewer calories for more success during your weight loss process!