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Eating pasta and still losing weight? You can with these tips!

Eating pasta and still losing weight? You can with these tips!

Are you a huge pasta over, but working hard to lose some weight? We get it, you don't want to leave that pasta at all… Good news:you don't have to! With these tips you can continue to eat your beloved pasta and still lose weight. How nice?!

1. Add vegetables

If you mix vegetables through your pasta processed, you get more healthy nutrients and you are full faster. Vegetables contain fiber, which ensures that you are satiated faster and longer. Your body also takes longer to digest your meal, so you don't suffer from an energy dip after eating. Sounds good, right?

2. Don't forget the proteins

Have you decided not to use (vegan) minced meat to get fewer calories? Then you are missing something… What you eat next to carbohydrates affects how your body digests, absorbs and metabolizes them. If you eat protein along with carbohydrates, your body takes longer to digest the food and you feel full for longer. You also get more diverse nutrients, which contribute to a healthy metabolism, and proteins help you build muscle. Not a fan of meat? Then you can also add legumes to your pasta or use grated cheese for some extra protein.

3. Choose your sauce consciously

Often it is not the pasta itself, but the sauce that counteracts your waste process. Creamy sauces are often high in fat (and calories) and jar sauces are often high in sugar. Therefore choose a less greasy sauce with less sugar, then you can eat your plate of pasta without worry. It is best to make the sauce yourself with natural ingredients (for example, with tomato, onion and garlic as a base), then you know exactly what is in your sauce.

Eating pasta and still losing weight? You can with these tips!

4. Do not eat too large portions

You can use your pasta make it so healthy, but if you eat more than you burn, you still won't lose weight. Therefore, make sure that you do not eat too large portions, because that would of course be a huge waste of all the effort you have done so far. An important rule of thumb for weight loss is that you should eat fewer calories than you burn, so keep that in mind as you scoop up your delicious pasta.

5. Choose multigrain pasta

White pasta is low in fiber and protein and can lead to spikes in your blood sugar levels, making you hungry more quickly after eating and can dip your energy level. Therefore choose multigrain pasta or vegetable pasta. It contains much more fiber, which helps to slow down your metabolism and contains fewer calories. Lentil pasta, chickpea pasta and black bean pasta in particular contain a lot of fiber, so give them a try!

Eating pasta and still losing weight? You can with these tips! Eating pasta and still losing weight? You can with these tips!

6. Use pasta as a side dish

If you eat a carbohydrate-rich dish without the other macronutrients (protein and fat), you are likely to experience an after dinner dip and more cravings. Especially when you eat pasta, there is a good chance that you eat more of it to get full. And that doesn't exactly help if you want to lose weight… But did you know that you can also eat pasta as a side dish? Combine your protein product, vegetables and fatty product with a little bit of pasta for a balanced and nutritious dish that can still help you lose weight .

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7. Don't feel guilty

How delicious your pasta Also, you can't fully enjoy it if you feel guilty eating pasta. If you ate more than you planned or did eat a high-calorie sauce, it's not the end of the world. The important thing is that you don't punish yourself or decide to throw in the towel, because this mindset can keep you from reaching your weight goal. Enjoy your pasta and then just keep going and you'll get there! Do you know this pasta cooker already? , photo:GettyImages

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