Family Best Time >> Food

You can use these vegetables completely

Sometimes it is not necessary to throw away leftover vegetables. You can use anything from the following vegetables.

Many people throw away the green of a leek. The taste of the green part is indeed more pronounced. If you don't like that, you can use it as a seasoning in a soup or stir-fry.

Spring onion
The green part of a spring onion is just as delicious.

Browse You can use the leaves of many vegetables in a soup. The same goes for vegetables that will soon no longer be good:collect all the leftovers and turn them into a delicious soup.

Broccoli The stems of broccoli are also edible. You can cut them a bit smaller, so they soften more easily in the pan. Don't like the stalks? Many pets love it. And you can indeed use the leaves of broccoli!

Pack of bok choy
You can prepare both the white and green part of pak choi.