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Coffee with milk and sugar? How many extra calories do you get?

Coffee with milk and sugar? How many extra calories do you get?

And that's not all… It also affects your appetite. So maybe leave that milk and sugar alone?

So many calories

It gives an extra nice touch to your coffee, but with milk and sugar you only add empty calories. According to research, it would be an average of 69 calories per day. Those who drink coffee with creamer will not necessarily eat less later in the day to compensate for that. If you drink tea with milk, sugar or honey, you will get an extra 43 calories on average compared to those who do not add it to their tea.

Unhealthy food

It's not just about the few extra calories from milk and sugar. People who sweeten their drink would also eat less healthily. Why this would be the case has not been investigated. The researchers do make suggestions:perhaps they care less about food or the sweetened drink causes a sugar peak that subsequently leads to a greater appetite for sweets.

From 7 to 13 June, the Diabetes Fund is organizing the National Sugar Challenge:food and drinks without added sugars for a week. Are you also participating?

Read also:This is the best time to drink coffee