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Many misunderstandings about coffee and tea

Coffee and tea. We drink it a lot and often. You expect that we know quite a lot about such a daily habit. For the first time, a National Coffee &Tea Survey (1433 participants) was conducted by Koffie &Thee Nederland into knowledge, attitude and behavior of Dutch coffee and tea drinkers. What seems? Lots of misunderstandings! Our knowledge could really be brushed up a bit!

Notable figures from the survey:

FACT:Black coffee fits perfectly in the Wheel of Five.
Only 14% of the interviewed coffee drinkers know that black coffee*, like tea, is part of the Nutrition Center's Wheel of Five.
Coffee and tea fit into a healthy lifestyle. They are responsible, healthy and contemporary drinks. Black coffee contains less than 1 kcal per 100 ml. The Nutrition Center has listed all the health benefits of coffee and tea.

FACT:Coffee does not dehydrate your body.
This is contrary to what many people think. Only 31% of the interviewed coffee drinkers know that coffee does not dehydrate your body.
What about the glass of water next to your espresso? This is intended to neutralize your taste beforehand so that you can enjoy your espresso optimally and is not to quench thirst afterwards. Coffee contributes to the 1.5 – 2 liters of fluid intake per day recommended by the Wheel of Five.

FACT:Black tea is just as healthy as green tea.
A whopping 57% of the tea drinkers surveyed think that green tea is healthier than black tea. But that's not true!
Green and black teas come from the exact same tea plant. The difference arises because the leaves of black tea are fermented or oxidized, and the leaves of green tea are not. That process does change the color and taste, but has hardly any influence on the health effects, according to the Nutrition Center.

FACT:Green tea also contains caffeine.
Only 26% of Dutch tea drinkers know that green tea contains caffeine.
In tea it is not called caffeine, but theine. Caffeine is a natural product and is known for its stimulating effect. It is the best-known component of coffee, but you can also drink a cup of tea to feel more energetic. The amount of theine in tea is about two to three times less than the amount of caffeine in coffee. This depends on the brewing method (for example, a cup of filter coffee contains more caffeine than a cup of espresso). Incidentally, 41% of Dutch tea drinkers think that black tea contains more theine than rooibos tea. And that is correct:in rooibos tea, just like in herbal tea, there is no theine at all because rooibos does not come from the tea plant.

* By black coffee we mean freshly ground bean coffee, coffee made with a paper filter, with a percolator, coffee from pads, capsules, instant coffee and black coffee from coffee machines. Boiled coffee or coffee made with a cafetière are not included here.

Coffee and tea are, after water, the most consumed drinks in the Netherlands:
82% drink coffee weekly, 67% daily.
71% drink tea weekly, 40% daily.

The Dutch coffee/tea drinker…
… drinks an average of 4.1 cups of coffee per day.
… drinks an average of 3.2 cups of tea per day.

Young people are least aware of the health benefits of coffee and tea.

Young people drink less coffee than older people.
27% of young people (16 – 24 years) drink coffee daily.
88% of the group 65 years and older drinks coffee daily.