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5 great alternatives to coffee

Whether it's to help us wake up in the morning, or to counter a little slack during the day, we tend to swear by coffee. However, it does not only have benefits! Exciting and stimulating, it is appreciable only in small doses (1 to 3 cups per day) for the boost effect. Conversely, beyond 3 to 5 cups daily (depending on the caffeine content and the preparation) it can increase our heart rate and cause tremors… Ouch. As a result, we have compiled a list of 5 great alternatives for you, to test urgently!

1. Tea

Tea is the best alternative to coffee, simply because it has the same molecule as caffeine:theine, but it has much milder impacts on the body. The rule of preparation? The more the tea is strong and infused, the softer the effect of the theine will be. On the contrary, the less the tea is infused, the more the theine will have a stimulating effect and will impact the body quickly, like coffee! Whether it's a mate, matcha, black or green tea, we're spoiled for choice and in addition they are rich in antioxidants, so we don't hesitate any longer!

2. Grapefruit juice

In the morning, we trade our lying down for a good grapefruit juice or an orange juice, squeezed if possible. Rich in vitamin C, digestive enzymes and toning up as desired, it helps to gently emerge and detoxifies our body in depth. Be careful, however, to consume only one glass a day because citrus fruits are very rich in sugar.

3. Chicory

For those who are addicted to the taste of coffee, this is a good option. Even though chicory is free of caffeine or theine, the flavor of this drink is very similar to that of our little black. However, it does not particularly wake up and therefore compares itself rather to a decaffeinated coffee...

4. A spiced infusion

Like chicory, spice infusions contain neither theine nor caffeine but stand out for their very invigorating properties. Whether it's cinnamon, cardamom, ginger or clove, a spice infusion is roughly equivalent to a cup of tea, only a little sweeter. You can even add a little milk, transforming it into "Chai", a very popular drink in India.

5. Thyme herbal tea

For plant lovers, or simply those who do not like the taste of tea or coffee, an infusion of thyme can be a good alternative, the active ingredients of thyme being invigorating and detoxifying. A very energizing rosemary tea can also do the job! The recipe is very simple for these two drinks:just pour one to two teaspoons of dried thyme or rosemary into a cup of boiling water. You can add a few drops of lemon juice and honey for a little sweet touch, welcome.