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4 peanut butter mistakes you don't want to make

4 peanut butter mistakes you don t want to make

Are you a huge peanut butter fan and do you prefer to eat peanut butter every day? Then you definitely want to keep reading… Because although peanut butter can help you achieve your health goals – losing weight, for example – there are also peanut butter mistakes that can prevent it. That's why you don't want to make these anymore!

1. Eating peanut butter with salt

Much of the daily amount of salt we ingest comes from processed and prepackaged foods. Although peanut butter is hardly processed, it does fall under that category. Often something is added anyway, such as salt. Therefore, always check the nutrition label of your peanut butter jar and make sure that you buy the one without added salt. Salt does not add calories, but it does make your body retain more fluid, which can cause you to feel bloated.

Read also :'Why it is better to eat peanut butter than chocolate spread'

2. Eating peanut butter light

It may sound healthier to eat peanut butter that contains less fat, but peanut butter is healthy because of the unsaturated fats it contains. These fats ensure that you are full quickly and have an anti-inflammatory effect. You probably also tend to eat more more quickly if you opt for a light variant. And that while there is little difference in calories between the normal and the light variant. Therefore choose healthy fats!

3. Eating from the pot

We've all done it, right? It's important that it doesn't become a habit. The portion that you put on your sandwich or crackers already contains quite a few calories. When you stick your spoon in the peanut butter jar and take two or three bites out of it, your harmless snack turns into a calorie-worthy snack worthy of a full meal. Oops…

4. Always combine peanut butter with jam or chocolate

Of course, you don't have to completely stop eating peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches – or peanut butter sandwiches with sprinkles – but it's best not to overdo it. Both contain (added) sugars, so you can unconsciously get too much sugar. Every now and then it certainly can't hurt, but daily might not be wise if you're trying to lose some weight.