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How healthy is peanut butter?

At the Santé editorial office, we love peanut butter. There is always at least one pot to be found. Guest blogger and nutritionist Anita Mulderij tells us more about peanut butter today.

Anita Mulderij: 'Peanut butter. One thinks it's fantastic, while the other doesn't have to think about it or maybe even is allergic to it. But how healthy is peanut butter really? What's the best way to add peanut butter to your diet? And does it actually fit with your lifestyle?

For many of us, peanut butter is an old and familiar sandwich spread. Who didn't grow up with it? It is a paste of roasted, ground peanuts. Many varieties from the store also contain sugar, salt and palm oil. Did you know that peanuts are not nuts? They fall into the legume category, which also includes lentils, peas and beans. However, peanuts are often mentioned in the same breath as walnuts, cashews and almonds, because peanuts contain approximately the same nutrients.

Different types of peanut butter You can find different types of peanut butter these days. Both in the supermarket and the natural store. The shelf is full of different variants. From peanut butter with chili to peanut butter with caramel and sea salt. Do you want to know exactly what you eat? Check the label. Natural peanut butter often also contains extra oil and sugars. Sometimes peanut butter also contains salt and palm oil a lot of other ingredients, for example molasses, soybeans and canola – and soybean oil. Try to avoid trans fats, trans fats increase the risk of heart disease. It is advisable to skip this peanut butter type. The third kind is the peanut butter with 'so much less fat'. Note:in this case, fats are simply replaced by extra sugars. Always check the label if you want to be sure.

Nutritional values ​​of peanut butter
A serving of peanut butter (two tablespoons) contains between 170 and 200 calories, about 16 grams of fat, 6 to 8 grams of carbohydrates and 7 to 8 grams of protein. The protein you find in peanut butter also contains all amino acids. But make sure you don't consume peanut butter as your main source of protein. There is twice as much fat as protein in peanut butter. In addition, peanut butter is not low in calories.

Peanut butter:healthy or not?
If you go for the most natural, unprocessed variety, peanut butter contains a large amount of healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and quite a bit of protein. An excellent food to add to your diet regularly.

Does peanut butter help with weight loss? Losing weight is all about healthy habits, a varied diet and getting used to a healthy lifestyle. Peanut butter certainly fits into your diet if you are working on losing weight. Because it consists of fats and proteins, it makes you feel full for a long time, so you are less likely to overeat. Make sure you eat a varied diet, because:too much of any food is never good. Put a tablespoon of peanut butter in your healthy smoothie, spread it on a buckwheat cracker or use it as an ingredient in your homemade snack bars.

Make your own peanut butter
By making your own peanut butter, you know for sure which ingredients your spread contains. Check out the recipe to make your own peanut butter. And, try making your own peanut butter from peanuts, oil, a pinch of sea salt, raw cocoa powder and cinnamon. Enjoy!'

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Text:Anita Mulderij | Image:Shutterstock