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Tuesday is National Peanut Butter Day

The jars of peanut butter are hard to come by at the editors. Even those who weren't fans at first have slowly caved in. Are you crazy about peanut butter? Then you can put your favorite toppings in the spotlight tomorrow, because then it's National Peanut Butter Day.

The founders of the Peanut Butter Shop in Amsterdam had initially also overlooked it, but they were pointed out by an acquaintance. Free peanut butter breakfasts and small jars of peanut butter will be handed out tomorrow morning at their shop at 169 Czaar Peterstraat in Amsterdam. More information can be found on their Facebook page.

Are you not near Amsterdam tomorrow? Then you can make your own peanut butter. View the peanut butter recipe.

And are you by chance near Woerden on Saturday? Peanut Butter Day is celebrated there on Saturday with, among other things, delicious peanut butter cookies.