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3 tips when choosing real healthy peanut butter

3 tips when choosing real healthy peanut butter

Peanut butter falls under the heading of 'healthy spreads' and is therefore in the five of the Nutrition Center. But how do you choose a really healthy peanut butter?

1. Pay close attention to the ingredients

A good peanut butter contains only peanuts. Discount jars often contain a lot of palm fats and sugars, just like in variants with pieces of nuts or that are 'extra crunchy'. Do not focus on a brand or on a high hipness level. This says nothing, just as biological says nothing about nutritional value.

Read also: ‘Why it is better to eat peanut butter than chocolate spread‘

2. Avoid palm fat

And if you do go for a variant with palm fat, choose types with unhardened palm fat.

3. Make it yourself

Really, it's super simple. Place 500g fresh unsalted peanuts, 3 tablespoons coconut oil (at room temperature) and a pinch of Celtic sea salt in a powerful food processor. Run the machine on the highest speed until the peanut butter is the desired thickness. You can also use cheap salted roasted peanuts, but first check that there are no additives.

Video:make-yourself peanut butter

This peanut butter recipe is also nice to try yourself. Google VPRO and 'make your own peanut butter'