Family Best Time >> Food

Favorite:Chocolate Delight Fitness cereal

Because they REALLY taste like chocolate

Their secret? A touch of chocolate inside the cereals (100% whole wheat) which gives them an intense taste. It doesn't feel like eating a "diet" product at all, but rather indulging in a real treat. And that for only 162 calories per bowl (30g portion + 125ml semi-skimmed milk)!

Because they are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside

So, you can also eat them as is, without milk, and it's still just as good. Or "upgrade" them into a smoothie with the following recipe:mix 2 handfuls of Fitness Délice cereal with 1 large glass of almond milk (or other vegetable milk) and 2 scoops of frozen yogurt in a blender. Serve with a few cereals as a topping.

Because they support the fight against breast cancer

Fitness supports the association "Le Cancer du sein, let's talk about it!" and participates in the financing of the "Pink Ribbon Prizes" dedicated to research. With the Nestlé Fitness Facebook application, you can sign as many pink ribbons as possible. 1 pink ribbon =1 action against breast cancer, from the simplest (like raising awareness among friends or getting tested), to the most engaging (taking part in a run or making a donation to an association). You can also join the Fitness loyalty program on the Fidmarques application and request the payment of €1 to the association "Le Cancer du sein, let's talk about it!" » for each Fitness package purchased (see conditions in the app).

Fitness Délice, €2.79 for a 350g box.