Family Best Time >> Food

What do I eat to have the peach in the morning?

1 – We advance our alarm clock by half an hour.

Unless you were conditioned young, you shouldn't be hungry when you get out of bed, for hormonal reasons. 20 to 30 minutes being the time it takes to synchronize the biological clocks, we get up earlier and get ready before eating.

2 – Stay hydrated.

Water loss from our body during the night (particularly through perspiration) causes a decline in cognitive functions and physical performance. So, we drink at least 25 to 30 cl (water, tea, orange juice), the equivalent of 2 glasses or a bowl.

3 – We rehabilitate bread slices.

Our brain is a big consumer of carbohydrates, its fuel. Especially at night, when he organizes, assimilates and memorizes information. In the morning, the reserves are dry! To refuel, we focus on foods with a low glycemic index, such as real bread, and we avoid sugary products (refined cereals, jam, etc.), which are quickly assimilated. The top? A good quarter of a buttered baguette.

4 – We go salty.

At night, the body also uses proteins for cell maintenance. Result:in the early morning, it is already pumping in the reserves of the liver. To restore the situation, the ideal is to accompany your sandwiches with a slice of cooked ham or an egg, rich in quality protein, or a dairy product (milk, yogurt, cheese, etc.).

5 – We take our time.

A good breakfast is at least 15% of the day's energy intake and 15 to 20 minutes at the table to allow optimal assimilation of nutrients. So, the slingshot snack, we forget!

Thanks to Dr. Jean-Marie Bourre, author of "La chrono-diététique", Odile Jacob editions.

Marion Gordien