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6 mojito recipes that change

The basic recipe

In a glass, put 6 mint leaves, 2 tbsp. c. of brown sugar and
1/2 lime cut in 4. Crush everything carefully, add about 4 tbsp. at s. of rum (Havana Club, Bacardi, Mount Gay…), crushed ice and top up with sparkling water.

With champagne

What changes. Replace sparkling water with champagne. The result. And a royal mojito, one! To taste, it's a revelation, it sends the Kir royal back to the cocktail party!

With cucumber

What changes. Add a few slices of cucumber to the basic recipe. The result. On paper, it may sound weird, but cucumber goes perfectly with lemon and mint. The touch of cucumber at the end of the mouth, we want more.

With pomegranate juice

What changes. Replace part of the sparkling water with pomegranate juice (if not, a dash of grenadine) and replace the sugar with vanilla sugar. The result. Sweeter, but just as good if eaten chilled!

With strawberries

What changes. Add 4 to 6 whole strawberries to the basic recipe. If they are a little bland, we do not prohibit an extra drop of strawberry syrup. The result. The green of the mint and the red of the strawberries are already beautiful. But, in addition, with each sip, the taste changes, the strawberry dominates or the mint takes over:it is the most swirling of the variations.

With vodka

What changes. As not everyone likes rum, we replace it with neutral vodka. The result. In this version, the cocktail is treacherous, because the alcohol is completely masked by mint and lemon

With fresh basil

What changes. Remove the mint from the recipe and add fresh basil. The result. To be reserved for those with adventurous taste buds.